Lilienfeld Honorary Webinar

The webinar is recorded and is available through the Buros Video Library.

Honoring Dr. Scott Lilienfeld’s Contributions to the Science and Practice of Psychological Assessment

scott lilienfeld picture
Dr. Scott Lilienfeld served from 2017 until his death in 2020 as a member of the Buros Center for Testing’s National Advisory Council. His career overlapped the mission of the Center in aiming to improve the science and practice of testing, and his contributions as a Council member were exceedingly valuable. Before he joined the Council, we were aware of his stellar professional reputation, but we soon became acquainted with his equally remarkable personal qualities—warmth, respect, and generosity among them. Given our Center’s mission, our respect for Scott and his work, and our sense of loss with his passing, with the help of four of his accomplished colleagues we have organized this webinar to recognize and share the critically important contributions of Dr. Lilienfeld’s work to the science and practice of psychological assessment.  

Dr. Scott O. Lilienfeld was the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Psychology at Emory University at the time of his death. He had previously been an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the State University of New York at Albany and a visiting fellow at the University of Melbourne in Australia. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the APS journal Clinical Psychological Science and Associate Editor of the APA journal Archives of Scientific Psychology. He also sat on the editorial boards of several journals, including American Psychologist. He was a president of the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (Section 3 of APA Division 12) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. He was a Fellow and Executive Board Member of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and a Consulting Editor for Skeptical Inquirer magazine. He also was a member of the Executive Committee of the Heterodox Academy. His research interests included cognitive biases and their relations to personality and psychopathology, scientific thinking and its application to psychology, pseudoscience and clinical psychology, and the causes and assessment of personality disorders.

Share how Dr. Lilienfeld's professional work has impacted your career and scholarship on this message board.

Audience and Registration

This honorary webinar was complimentary and open to all students, faculty, and clinical professionals. APA CE and NASP CPD credit are available. (2.0 APA CE/NASP CPD)

Although there was no registration fee to attend, you may consider contributing to a graduate student travel award set up in Dr. Lilienfeld’s name by the Association for Psychological Science (APS),

The webinar is recorded and will be available in the Buros Video Library.

Presenters & Topics

Introductory remarks from Ms. Candice Basterfield, Dr. Lilienfeld’s co-author and widow.

Click on each presenter's name to access their bio and webinar abstract.

Lee Anna Clark

Lee Anna Clark, Ph.D.

William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neil Professor of Psychology

Chair, Department of Psychology

University of Notre Dame

Using the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP) to Assess Antisocial Traits and Behaviors

Martin Sellbom

Martin Sellbom, Ph.D.

Professor of Clinical Psychology

University of Otago, New Zealand

Assessment of Psychopathic Personality Traits: Addressing Myths, Misconceptions, and Fallacies

Irwin Waldman

Irwin Waldman, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Emory University

Mapping the Externalizing Spectrum in Youth from an Assessment Perspective

James M. Wood

James M. Wood, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

University of Texas at El Paso

Bad Norms Make a Test Worse Than Useless