Math Classroom Assessment Workshop
Join us for an interactive workshop to actively learn how to analyze and write an aligned assessment that supports the three principles of the CCR mathematics standards.
A continuing education certificate is available for all attendees.
AI-Based Assessment Video
The goal of this intermediate-level program is to provide researchers and practitioners an opportunity to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of using AI-based assessment from five psychologists representing different fields of psychology.
2.5 CEU credits available.

Third Edition of Spanish Test Selection Resource
Pruebas Publicadas en Español III (PPE III) consists of descriptive listings of commercially published tests that are available in part or wholly in Spanish. The third edition in this series contains 680 entries and acquaints test users with available measures to facilitate appropriate selection of tests.
PPE III is available in both print and digital formats.
Buros publishes authoritative reference materials that contain descriptions and candidly critical evaluations of commercially available tests, essential to professionals involved in the evaluation, selection, and use of tests. Recognized for their quality worldwide, our publications comprise expert and independent sources of information about tests. Watch this video to learn more.
Buros offers expert psychometric services to assist proprietary testing programs and improve the quality of their programs and validity of results.
Our independent verification adds credibility and defensibility to testing organizations and their assessments.
Buros provides instructional and educational resources that improve the ability of individuals to select, develop, and use tests and assessments in accordance with relevant standards as well as accepted guidelines for responsible test use.
“Test users have every right to demand that test authors and publishers present full particulars concerning the methods used in constructing and validating the tests which they place on the market”
(Oscar Buros, 1938).