Wayne Camara

Wayne J. Camara

Admissions Testing Impact on Access and Alternative Options

September 28, 2020 (Monday)


Admissions tests provide an objective and standardized measure, often described as “a common yardstick”, for comparing applicants from diverse backgrounds who differ in terms of schools attended, courses completed, and grades attained. Some critics would argue that the availability of test scores is fundamentally unfair because they allow for simplistic comparison of students and schools without consideration of educational and socioeconomic context. This presentation will focus on the impact of admissions tests on access and diversity, and review the feasibility of alternative proposals to use class rank, test optional policies, or criterion-referenced assessments as substitutes


Wayne J. Camara is currently the Distinguished Research Scientist for Innovation for The Law School Admission Council. Most recently he held the Horace Mann Research Chair at ACT. Camara has also served as Vice President for Research & Development at the College Board, where he was responsible for managing research and assessment development, including policy research, for the SAT, the Advanced Placement Program and other assessments. Camara was also Assistant Executive Director of Science for the APA. While there, he directed governance and scientific involvement in policy and federal advocacy initiatives in behavioral science research. Camara directed the revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, and in 2006, was appointed as Chair of the AERA/APA/NCME management committee overseeing the Standards and subsequent revisions. Camara's principal areas of research are standards and professional practice in testing, as well as legal and regulatory issues relating to assessment, test validity and public-policy issues concerning assessment. He also has served as an expert witness in testing cases.