Full-time Staff Members
Managing Editor, Mental Measurements Yearbook, Tests in Print, and Pruebas Publicadas en Español – Edits test reviews for style and format; co-edits Tests in Print; supervises Assistant Editors, Graduate Assistants, and Student Worker; test acquisition and classification; coordinator for book publication, TROL, EBSCO, and Ovid databases.
Research Professor and Associate Director – Test Reviews and Information; directs and supervises unit activities and personnel; primary technical/content editor for Mental Measurements Yearbook; co-edits Tests in Print and Pruebas Publicadas en Español; product development, special projects.
Director of the Buros Center for Testing and Professor of Educational Psychology – Supervises personnel; co-edits Mental Measurements Yearbook, Tests in Print, and Pruebas Publicadas en Español; edits Applied Measurement in Education; directs projects; teaches, advises, and mentors students.
Contracts and Finance Associate–Manages accounting and finance for contracts and revolving accounts
Research Associate Professor and Associate Director – Assessment Literacy; leads the development of educational programming and resources; initiates grant funding to support programming; directs continuing education sponsorships; assignment editor for Mental Measurements Yearbook; contributes to publication and consulting projects.
Office Associate – Receptionist, records, budget, meetings, events
Research Professor– Psychometric Consulting; supervises unit activities and personnel; initiates, develops, secures, and administers contract/grant activities; provides technical advice; oversees budget and operational matters; manages client relationships.
Assistant Editor, Mental Measurements Yearbook – Manages reviewer database/contacts and timelines; website problem resolution (e.g., Test Reviews Online [TROL], computer software); customer support; proofreader; Editorial Assistant, Applied Measurement in Education.
Database Subscriptions Liaison – Individual and consortia pricing for electronic subscriptions; liaison to EBSCO and Ovid electronic subscription services; assists in related contract negotiations.
Assistant Editor, Pruebas Publicadas en Español and Tests in Print – New test identification, English and Spanish test acquisition and classification; test descriptions; corrections; proofreader; translations.
Manages marketing and communications activities; oversees advertising and promotional efforts; produces quarterly newsletter; coordinates exhibitions and sponsorships at professional conferences.

Tony Albano, PhD
Independent Consultant

Tzu-Yun (Katherine) Chin, PhD
Independent Consultant

Scott Frohn, PhD
Independent Consultant

Doug (Min Sung) Kim, PhD
Independent Consultant

Steven J. Osterlind, PhD
Independent Consultant

Craig Wells, PhD
Independent Consultant

Jordan Wheeler, PhD
Faculty Associate
Other Staff Members

Amanda Barrett, MA
Graduate Assistant – test reviews and information; writes test descriptions in Spanish (and English); conducts fact-checking of test reviews; librarian

Kyle Bizel, MA
Graduate Assistant – test reviews and information; writes test descriptions; conducts fact-checking of test reviews; librarian

Sarah Hammami
Graduate Assistant – assists on special projects

Mya Jones
Graduate Assistant – assessment literacy; assists with webinars and special projects

Hailey Kisner
Graduate Assistant – test reviews and information; writes test descriptions; conducts fact-checking of test reviews; librarian