Applied Measurement in Education is sponsored and owned by the Buros Center for Testing. It is a scholarly journal dedicated to the application of educational and psychological measurement to the educational process. Its intended audience consists of researchers and practitioners who are interested in research likely to have an impact on educational measurement practice. A major aim of the journal is to provide both a greater understanding of educational measurement issues and an improved use of measurement techniques and education.
Instructions for Authors
This journal uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions. Please read the guide for ScholarOne authors at the Taylor & Francis Group website before making a submission. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.
Applied Measurement in Education, sponsored by the Oscar and Luella Buros Center for Testing, is a scholarly journal dedicated to the application of educational and psychological measurement research to the educational process. Its intended audience consists of researchers and practitioners who are interested in research likely to have an impact on educational measurement practice. A major aim of the journal is to provide both a greater understanding of educational measurement issues and an improved use of measurement techniques and education.
Types of manuscripts that will be considered for publication in Applied Measurement in Education include (a) reports of original applied research focusing on measurement issues in educational contexts, (b) presentations of innovative strategies for solving existing educational measurement problems, and (c) integrative reviews of research pertaining to contemporary measurement issues. Applied Measurement in Education does not publish studies of the development and/or validation of new or existing measures. The editor also welcomes proposals for special issues dealing with a focused treatment of a particular area of applied educational measurement.
Manuscript submission:
Applied Measurement in Education receives all manuscript submissions electronically via their ScholarOne Manuscripts website located at: ScholarOne Manuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, as well as facilitating the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers. For ScholarOne Manuscripts technical support, you may contact them by e-mail or phone support via If you have any other requests please contact the journal at
Format and Organization:
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Double-space all text. Use a 12-point font in Times New Roman or similar style. The title page must be submitted as a separate file marked not for review and should include the title of the manuscript, the names and affiliations of authors, and the name and address of the person to whom reprint requests are to be sent; suggest a shortened version of the title of the manuscript to use as a running head (40 characters or fewer, including spaces). The first page of the body of the manuscript must contain a 100- to 175-word abstract. Maximum length is 25-30 pages, including tables, figures, and references.
Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to use a lengthy quotation (500 words or more) or to reprint or adapt a table or figure published elsewhere. Authors should write to both author(s) and publisher of such material to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages for use in the article and in future editions of it.
Do not use new technical words, psychological jargon or slang, or terminology not consistent with APA style guidelines. Define any abbreviations or acronyms the first time they are used.
Figures and Tables:
All figures and tables should be numbered separately using Arabic numerals and should be grouped at the end of the manuscript. The approximate placement of figures and tables should be clearly noted within the body of the manuscript. Refer to the current edition of APA's publication manual for format of tables. Double space.
Double space. Compile references alphabetically (see the current edition of APA's publication manual for multiple-author citations and references). Spell out names of journals. Provide page numbers of chapters in edited books. Text citations must correspond accurately to the references in the reference list.
Page proofs:
Authors are sent page proofs of their manuscripts and are asked to proofread them for printer's errors and other defects. Correction of typographical errors will be made without charge. Other alterations will be charged to the author.
Visit the Author Services website at the Taylor & Francis Group for further resources and guides to the complete publication process and beyond.
Editorial Board
- Kurt F. Geisinger
Buros Center for Testing
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Associate Editors
- Susan M. Brookhart
Brookhart Enterprises LLC - Jerome C. Clauser
American Board of Internal Medicine - Thanos Patelis
University of Kansas - Cathy L. W. Wendler
Independent Consultant
Board of Editors
- Anthony D. Albano
University of California, Davis - Deborah L. Bandalos
James Madison University, Emeritus - Heather M. Buzick
Educational Testing Service - Wayne Camara
Law School Admission Council - Brian E. Clauser
National Board of Medical Examiners - Ralph De Ayala
University of Nebraska–Lincoln - Jimmy de la Torre
University of Hong Kong - Christine DeMars
James Madison University - George Engelhard Jr.
University of Georgia - Steve Ferrara
Human Resources Research Organization - Ellen Forte
edCount LLC - Matthew Grady
American Dental Association - Anne Corinne Huggins-Manley
University of Florida - Daniel Jurich
National Board of Medical Examiners - Michael J. Kolen
The University of Iowa - Timothy R. Konold
University of Virginia - Suzanne Lane
University of Pittsburgh - Krista Mattern
National Board of Medical Examiners - M. David Miller
University of Florida - Tim Moses
Buros Center for Testing - John J. Norcini
SUNY Upstate Medical University - Maria Elena Oliveri
Purdue University - Dena A. Pastor
James Madison University - Randall D. Penfield
University of North Carolina, Greensboro - Thomas Proctor
The College Board - Mark Raymond
Independent Consultant - Joseph A. Rios
Center for Measurement Justice - Michael C. Rodriguez
University of Minnesota - Stephen G. Sireci
University of Massachusetts Amherst - Jeffrey Smith
University of Otago - Noreen Webb
University of California, Los Angeles - Jordan Wheeler
University of Nebraska–Lincoln - Steven L. Wise
Independent Consultant - April Zenisky
University of Massachusetts Amherst