The need for a comprehensive bibliography of Spanish tests has never been more essential, and its development by the Buros Center is entirely consistent with the goal articulated by Oscar Buros: to improve the science and practice of testing. Pruebas Publicadas en Español (PPE) represents a continuation of the Buros Center’s efforts to provide resources for people who develop, evaluate, study, purchase, and/or use tests. PPE III is the third edition in the series that consists of descriptive listings of commercially published tests that are available in part or wholly in Spanish. It builds on the established traditions of the Buros Center for Testing and its long-standing publication series – The Mental Measurements Yearbook (currently in its twenty-first volume) and Tests in Print, currently in its tenth edition. Pruebas Publicadas en Español III provides extensive and vital information about tests. It offers descriptions of 680 tests, using 22 descriptor fields to acquaint test users with available measures and to facilitate appropriate selection of tests. To maximize its accessibility, PPE III content appears side by side in Spanish and English throughout the volume. PPE III serves as a ready reference book for practitioners, researchers, teachers, librarians, and other professionals who work with clients who speak Spanish or train those who do.
Get electronic subscription information For additional assistance, contact Jennifer Schlueter at the Buros Center for Testing. |
La necesidad de una bibliografía comprensiva de pruebas en español nunca ha sido más esencial y su desarrollo por el Buros Center es completamente consistente con la meta articulada por Oscar Buros: mejorar la ciencia y práctica de la psicometría. Pruebas Publicadas en Español (PPE) representa una continuación de los esfuerzos del Buros Center para proveer recursos a personas que desarrollan, evalúan, estudian, compran, y/o usan pruebas psicométricas. La información en el libro está disponible también a través de nuestra base principal de datos, Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print Internacional. Comprar una copia de impresa Para ayuda adicional, favor de contactar a Jennifer Schlueter al Buros Center for Testing. |