Suicide Risk Assessment: Perspectives and Challenges
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide was responsible for 46,000 deaths in 2020, and suicide rates were 30% higher in 2020 than they were 20 years ago. Additionally, in 2020, 12.2 million individuals thought about suicide, 3.2 million individuals made a suicide plan, and 1.2 million individuals attempted suicide. Assessment of suicide risk is high stakes, and the effectiveness of intervention strategies can be difficult to establish.
To address these issues, this series will provide insights from scholar-practitioners as an initial step to inform and improve the clinical practice of suicide risk assessment and intervention. Continuing education/continuing professional development (CE/CPD) credits available. See CE Sponsor approvals.
Professional educators, clinicians/counselors, measurement professionals, researchers, and graduate students
Access the Suicide Risk Assessment Webinar Series recordings in our Video Library.
Questions: Dr. Jessica Jonson
Click on each presenter's name or photo below for their abstract and bio.

Lisa Horowitz, PhD, MPH
National Institute of Mental Health at NIH
Developing and Implementing the Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) Tool: Translating Research Into Practice (1.5 CE/CPD)

John Westefeld, PhD, ABPP
University of Iowa
Suicide: Assessment of Risk, Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention (1.5 CE/CPD)

David N. Miller, PhD
Purdue University
School-Based Suicide Risk Assessment of Children and Adolescents (1.75 CE/CPD)

Rhonda C. Boyd, PhD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Considerations for Suicide Risk Assessment With Youth of Color (1.5 CE/CPD)