The 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing: Implications for School Psychology
- Recognize the broad reach of the Standards for the School Psychology specialty, from developing and giving tests to supporting teachers and school districts.
- Describe the specific implications of the 2014 Standards for assessment practices in school psychology.
School psychology is a general practice health service specialty in the school context, and school psychologists are involved in a variety of tasks from developing and administering tests to recommending test accommodations and recommending educational policies. In this webinar, I review the aspects of the 2014 Standards with specific implications for School Psychology practice, drawing from the chapters on validity, reliability, fairness, rights and responsibilities of test takers and test users, psychological testing, educational testing, and accountability, among others.
Frank C. Worrell is a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is Faculty Director of the School Psychology program, the Academic Talent Development Program, and the California College Preparatory Academy. His research interests include psychosocial development in talented adolescents and at-risk adolescents, cultural identities, time perspective, scale development, and the translation of research findings into school-based practice. Dr. Worrell served as a member of the Joint Committee that revised the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. He is Editor of Review of Educational Research, and a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and five divisions of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Worrell is also a recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award from the National Association for Gifted Children.