Distinguished Reviewers

To receive the “Distinguished Reviewer” designation, an individual must have contributed to six or more volumes of the yearbook series.  These individuals exemplify an outstanding dedication in their professional lives to the principles of improving the science and practice of testing.  The Buros Center for Testing appreciates and acknowledges the long-term contributions of the Distinguished Reviewers to the success of the Mental Measurements Yearbook series.

Shawn K. Acheson
Phillip A. Ackerman
Caroline M. Adkins
Mark A. Albanese
Kathleen Allen
John O. Anderson
James A. Athanasou
Jeffrey A. Atlas
James T. Austin
Stephen N. Axford

Patricia A. Bachelor
Laura L. B. Barnes
Abigail Baxter
Phillip G. Benson
Ronald A. Berk
Frank M. Bernt
Brian F. Bolton
Roger A. Boothroyd
Gregory J. Boyle
Jeffery P. Braden
Susan M. Brookhart
James Dean Brown
Ric Brown
Albert M. Bugaj
Michael B. Bunch
Linda K. Bunker

Carolyn M. Callahan
Gary L. Canivez
Karen T. Carey
Janet F. Carlson
JoEllen V. Carlson
Russell N. Carney
C. Dale Carpenter
Tony Cellucci
Mary "Rina" M. Chittooran
Joseph C. Ciechalski
Gregory J. Cizek
Mary M. Clare
Collie Wyatt Conoley
Alice J. Corkill
Merith Cosden
Andrew A. Cox
Kevin D. Crehan

Rik Carl D'Amato
Ayres G. D'Costa
Gary J. Dean
Sharon H. deFur
Gerald E. DeMauro
Beth Doll
Anthony T. Dugbartey

George Engelhard, Jr.
Connie T. England
Deborah B. Erickson

Doreen Ward Fairbank
Robert Fitzpatrick
Rosemary Flanagan
John W. Fleenor
Stephen J. Freeman
Michael J. Furlong

Robert K. Gable
Ronald J. Ganellen
John S. Geisler
Bert A. Goldman
Zandra S. Gratz
J. Jeffrey Grill
Thomas W. Guyette

Richard E. Harding
Patti L. Harrison
Michael R. Harwell
Kate Hattrup
Theodore L. Hayes
Sandra D. Haynes
Carlen Henington
Allen K. Hess
Robert W. Hiltonsmith
Thomas P. Hogan
Anita M. Hubley
David P. Hurford

Carl Isenhart

Jeffrey A. Jenkins
Kathleen M. Johnson
Samuel Juni

Ashraf Kagee
Randy W. Kamphaus
Michael G. Kavan
Timothy Z. Keith
Mary Lou Kelley
Jean Powell Kirnan
Howard M. Knoff
Timothy R. Konold
S. Kathleen Krach
Jody L. Kulstad
Joseph C. Kush

Matthew E. Lambert
Suzanne Lane
Aimee Langlois
Theresa Graham Laughlin
Joseph G. Law, Jr.
Frederick T. L. Leong
S. Alvin Leung
Rick Lindskog
Steven H. Long

Jennifer N. Mahdavi
Cleborne D. Maddux
Ronald A. Madle
Koressa Kutsick Malcolm
Rebecca J. McCauley
Frederic J. Medway
Joyce Meikamp
Brad M. Merker
William B. Michael
M. David Miller
Patricia L. Mirenda
Judith A. Monsaas
Kevin L. Moreland
Paul M. Muchinsky
Mildred Murray-Ward

Leah M. Nellis
Anthony J. Nitko
Janet A. Norris

Salvador Hector Ochoa
Judy Oehler-Stinnett
Arturo Olivarez
D. Joe Olmi
Gretchen Owens

Steven I. Pfeiffer
James W. Pinkney
David J. Pittenger
Julia Y. Porter
G. Michael Poteat
Shawn Powell

Nambury S. Raju
Paul Retzlaff
Cecil R. Reynolds
Bruce G. Rogers
Cynthia A. Rohrbeck
Michael J. Roszkowski

Darrell L. Sabers
Vincent J. Samar
Jonathan Sandoval
Eleanor E. Sanford-Moore
William I. Sauser, Jr.
Diane J. Sawyer
William D. Schafer
Michael J. Scheel
Gregory Schraw
Gene Schwarting
Steven R. Shaw
Eugene P. Sheehan
Christopher A. Sink
Janet V. Smith
Jeffrey K. Smith
Lisa F. Smith
Loraine J. Spenciner
Jayne E. Stake
Stephanie Stein
Terry A. Stinnett
Gabrielle Stutman
Richard B. Stuart
Hoi K. Suen
Mark E. Swerdlik

Nora M. Thompson
Gerald Tindal
Roger L. Towne
Michael S. Trevisan

John J. Vacca
Wilfred G. Van Gorp
James P. Van Haneghan
Chockalingam Viswesvaran
Romeo Vitelli

Sandra B. Ward
T. Steuart Watson
Keith F. Widaman
Martin J. Wiese
William K. Wilkinson
Claudia R. Wright

Georgette P. Yetter
Suzanne Young
James E. Ysseldyke

Peter Zachar
Sheldon Zedeck